Monday, August 6, 2012

The Ridiculous Women of Aaron Sorkin's Imagination

So I've watched all seven episodes of HBO's "Newsroom" and here's my question:

Why does Aaron Sorkin think emotionally unstable and idiotic women are funny, attractive, or anywhere to be found in a modern broadcast newsroom? Does he watch nothing but Fox these days?

Also, why has Christiane Amanpour not killed him yet?

I'm an old print reporter with an old-fashioned contempt for broadcast on-air "talent" but even I've met female television professionals who put Richard Engle to shame.

The "Newsroom's" scatter-brained "Mac" who supposedly won a Peabody wouldn't last five minutes in the real-world Pakistan, and assistant producer "Maggie" seems to think acting out scenes from romance novels in the workplace is the way to get ahead in the teevee biz.

The one woman allowed to be intelligent - financial wunderkind "Sloan" - is crippled by Asperger's Syndrome that prevents her from slapping sense into a coworker losing his shit on an airplane. Speaking of whom, Don and Maggie SO deserve each other.

Did someone tell Sorkin that the only problem with the West Wing was that the women were too intelligent and competent?

Not that the men of the Newsroom are prizes (except for "Neal," who is damn near perfect.) "Jim" needs to tell Maggie to shut up for 10 seconds so he can say this: "You wanna fuck or not? If you do, then let's go. If not, get away from me and don't say another word that is not exclusively work-related."

The most realistic portrayal of actual broadcast journalism in the entire series was when the D.C. anchor tried to release the news about bin Laden to prevent star "Will" from getting the credit, only to be sabotaged by a for-once-take-charge "Mac" who cut the feed.

If only I thought "Mac" did it for journalism, instead of doing it to protect her ex-boyfriend.  

Yes, I'm going to keep watching, in hopes of seeing two scenes: "Neal" making out with his pot-cookie-peddling girlfriend, and Sam Waterston getting the upper hand on Jane Fonda.

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