Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Where Kentucky Democrats Fear to Tread

There is no excuse for there being no Democratic candidate running against Stan "Porn 'Stache" Lee, who has been teabagger buckfuck insane since before Karl Rove stole his first election.

Beth Musgrave at The Herald:

A member of the Green Party filed Monday to run against Republican state Rep. Stan Lee in Lexington's 45th House District race.

Geoff Young, a retired engineer who worked on energy policies for the state, joins fellow challenger Breck Withers, a businessman who filed in July as an independent, on the Nov. 6 ballot.

Lee defeated challenger Chris Tyler in the Republican primary in May. There is no Democratic candidate in the race.

Among Kentucky's 100 state house districts that are on the ballot this fall, the state Democratic Party has failed to run candidates in thirty districts. Almost one-third of the state house handed to the repugs without a fight. Inexcusable.

Yes, of course Porn 'Stache is going to win. It's a repug district. But part of the reason he's going to win is because the state Democratic Party has done nothing in his district to recruit a viable candidate and to build up a local organization that could help that candidate win.

Don't give another dime to the Kentucky Democratic Party. Start attending your county Democratic executive committee meetings. Get to know your local precinct captain. Volunteer to start knocking on doors and rallying the Democratic voters in your neighborhood.

Do it because the state party sure as fuck won't.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2012/08/06/2287888/green-party-candidate-will-challenge.html#storylink=cpy

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