Monday, August 6, 2012

Not Enough Employees = Bad Service

If the service you're used to getting from public employees has gotten worse over the last three years, it's not because Big Gubmint has too many employees: it's because it has too few.
As conservatives continue to decry supposed booming growth in the size of the American government, the public sector lost another 9,000 jobs in July, according to the Labor Department report released Friday. The public sector, comprised of federal, state, and local government employees, has now cut more than 680,000 jobs since 2009, the worst three-year period on record. Without those public sector cuts, the unemployment rate would be a full-point lower. And that growing American government? It is now smaller than it has been since 1968, according to a Federal Reserve Economic Data chart published by The Atlantic’s Jordan Weissman.

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