Sunday, December 9, 2012

What Disaster, Climate Deniers?

Really, morons? You want a disaster declaration for the consequences of a record-breaking drought that was itself the consequence of global warming caused by the reckless burning of fossil fuels especially coal?

Is that really the argument you want to make?

No, of course not.  The only argument repugs ever make is "me want. gimme now."

From the AP:

U.S. Sens. Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul are urging (Kentucky) Gov. Steve Beshear to seek a federal disaster declaration because of the potential economic consequences of a drought that has led to low water levels on the Mississippi River.

Beshear said Friday he appreciates their concern and that he’s closely monitoring the situation.
Here's the ironic part:  water levels are far too low for barge traffic on the Mississippi in large part because natural gas frackers along the Missouri are demanding huge diversions of water to support their horrifically polluting operations.

And here's the hilarious part: Michie-poo and the Tribble-Toupeed One are caught in a bind: as good little repugs they have to support all fossil-fuel polluters, but natural gas fracking is a major competitor of Big Coal, which finances both of their re-election campaigns.

I'm going to say that this request to Beshear reveals that both McConnell and Paul have thrown in their lot with Big Coal - at least until Big Gas comes up with more campaign cash.

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