Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Well Of Course It's Treason

The dotard admitted it, live on TV, with the whole world watching.

Paul Campos at LGM:
Today was a dark, dark day in American history.  The president openly admitted that he was OK with a foreign power installing him in office, and nothing is going to be done about it.  This is how democracy dies and authoritarianism triumphs.
In fact, in the Sean Hannity interview he sounded downright frightened:
I thought President Putin was very, very strong. I think we're doing really well with Russia as of today. I thought we were doing horribly before today. I mean, horribly, dangerously,I think it was great today, but I think it was really bad five hours ago. I think we really had a potential problem.
It's possible that Trump is trying to pass this off as another example of him "solving" a crisis that doesn't exist. But when you think about it, it sounds for all the world as if Putin threatened Trump in that 2 hour private meeting and Trump did exactly what he was told to do in that press conference. If Putin does have something on him it's got him scared to death.
What Bob Mueller did today was begin to lay out the case for treason. Not for obstruction of justice, not for mere conspiracy. The Russian military conducted a cyber attack against this country. Our cities aren't in ruin. But something equally as precious is under threat: the idea of who we are as Americans. That can be just as destructive.
Read the whole thing.

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