Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Bevin: Guns Don't Kill Students; Cell Phones Kill Students

Bevin can't quit weaponize the stooopit the way the Orange Menace can, but he sure is doing his damndest.

From the Herald:

Gov. Matt Bevin on Tuesday urged representatives of the Federal Commission on School Safety to address the impact of mobile devices in the hands of young people who might also be diagnosed with mental problems and prescribed mind-altering drugs.

“We’ve got devices that are contributing significantly to a lack of sleep, lack of self worth, lack of self-esteem…. on top of that we have increasing numbers of kids on psychotropic drugs and we are not being intentional or thoughtful about the impact of those mind altering drugs…” Bevin said.
Sooooo, flooding communities with guns but taking away cell phones will stop school shootings?

Right. Got it.

Read more here:

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