Sunday, August 5, 2012

Obama Un-Bashing: the Tax Calculator

Kentucky repugs spent Saturday at Fancy Farm bashing President Obama, but failed to step across the line to what Zandar calls Ni-CLANG. I expected more from you, repugs. Somebody's gonna do it before the election, probably live on national TV. Too bad it couldn't have been Mitch yesterday.

House Speaker Greg Stumbo gave a strong speech in refutation, but thanks to the extreme cowardice of most Democratic state office holders, he was vastly outnumbered.

They got little pushback from Democrats who attended the picnic, other than Kentucky House Speaker Greg Stumbo, who took up for Obama and told the crowd of several hundred that “if there was ever a worse American president than George W. Bush, I want to know who he was.”
So to your mouth-breathing, ni**er-mumbling relatives who may be crowing about it today, here's a refutation in the form of a tax calculator to show you how you would fare under Mitt RMoney's tax plan, and how you would fare under President Obama's tax plan.

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