Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Legal Recognition for Gay Married Couple in Kentucky

Yes, it's federal court recognition, but still.

From the Courier:

Despite living together for 16 years, Bob Joles and Joey Lester of Louisville could not legally marry in the state of Kentucky. Even after they wed May 9 in Buffalo, N.Y., the state of Kentucky wouldn’t recognize their union.
But that didn’t stop them in June from becoming the first gay married couple to file jointly for bankruptcy in Kentucky. Nor did it prevent a federal bankruptcy judge from confirming their reorganization plan July 24.
But the couple, who live in Clifton, said the real advantages of filing jointly were intangible.
“It made our marriage seem more real,” said Joles, 48. “And it forced the court to recognize us as a married couple.”
It's happening, and compared to just eight years ago when Kentuckians voted 2-1 to ban gay marriage in the state constitution, it's happening at the speed of light. Gay marriage is not on the ballot in Kentucky this year, but it is on ballots across the country where it's likely to pass.

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William Calley (1) Ludlow Massacre (1) Mandarin (The) (1) March for Our Lives (1) Marco Rubio (1) Mario Cuomo (1) Mario Savio (1) Mars (1) Mary Lou Marzian (1) Matt Bai (1) Matt Bevins (1) Maxine Waters (1) May Day (1) Maya Angelou (1) Mayking (1) McCain-Feingold (1) McCarthyism (1) McConnell (1) Medgar Evers (1) Medial of Honor (1) Melissa Harris-Perry (1) Michael Coblena (1) Michael Sam (1) Michele Flournoy (1) Michelle Wolf (1) Midway College (1) Mike Mukasey (1) Mike Pence (1) Minnesota Senate race (1) Mississippi (1) Mitch Landrieu (1) Mitt Romeny (1) Montana (1) Moonbow (1) Moral Mondays (1) Mueller Report; Robert Mueller (1) Music Freedom Day (1) Muslim (1) Mystery (1) NALC (1) NATO (1) NCAA (1) NFL (1) National Weather Service (1) Neil Armstrong (1) Netroots Nation (1) New Deal (1) New York (1) New York Times (1) New Yorker (1) Nina Turner (1) No Labels (1) North Korea (1) Notre Dame speech (1) Nurses' Strike (1) Oath of Office (1) Obama republicans (1) Obama wee (1) Oil Shale (1) Oklahoma City (1) Open Door (1) Open-mindedness (1) Oprah (1) Otter Creek (1) Outdoor Burning (1) Overton Window (1) PIPA (1) Page One Kentucky (1) PageOneKentucky (1) Paul Hackett (1) Paul Hornback (1) Paul Newman (1) Paul Patton (1) Pearl Harbor (1) Pete Buttigieg (1) Pete Stark (1) Peter DeFazio (1) Phil Moffett (1) Philadelphia Inquirier (1) Phillip Shepherd (1) Phoenix Hotel (1) Pi (1) Poor People's Campaign (1) Pope Benedict (1) Power Outage (1) Predator State (1) Presidential Medal of Freedom (1) Presidential Primary (1) Presidents' Day (1) Public Service Commissioner (1) Public service. (1) RFK (1) Rachel Carson (1) Ralph Alvarado (1) Rashida Tlaib (1) Reality Coalition. (1) Red River Gorge (1) Rednecks for Obama (1) Reginald Meeks (1) Reid Haire (1) Religious Voters (1) Rep. Jim Leach (1) Resistance: Science (1) Restock the Pantries (1) Rex Tillerson (1) Rights of Man (1) Roar for Powerful Words (1) Robert F. Kennedy (1) Robin Webb (1) Rod Blagejovich (1) Rodney King (1) Rolling Stones (1) Rudy Guiliani (1) Ruth Bader Gisnberg (1) Rwanda (1) SB 68 (1) SOPA (1) Salon (1) Sam Brownback (1) Sam Gaskiins (1) Samuel Gaskins (1) Sandra Fluke (1) Scopes (1) Scott Brown (1) Sean Wilentz (1) Second Bill of Rights (1) Senator Mit (1) Seneca Falls Convention (1) Sergio Viera de Mello (1) Seth Moulton (1) Shaha Riza (1) Shameless Lions Writing Circle (1) Sharron Angle (1) Social securrity (1) Socialist Party USA (1) Sojourner Truth (1) Sonya Sotamayor (1) Southern Poverty Law Center (1) Special Prosecutor (1) Speech on Rev. Wright (1) St. Patrick's Day (1) Standing Rock (1) Star Trek (1) Statue of Liberty (1) Steve Benen (1) Stewart Udall (1) Sudanese refugee (1) Sunshine Week (1) Super Delegates (1) Sweden (1) TIME Magazine (1) Takeover (1) Teddy Roosevelt (1) Tennessee Church Shooting (1) The Argument (1) The Crazy (1) The End of the Line (1) The New Republic (1) The Uprising (1) Tim Johnson (1) Tim Kaine (1) Toby Keith (1) Todd Hollenbach (1) Tom Brokaw (1) Tom Burch (1) Turning Red States Blue (1) UK (1) UNESCO (1) USPS (1) Unity08 (1) University of Kentucky (1) University of Louisville hospital (1) Uruguay (1) Valentine's Day (1) Van Jones (1) Virginia (1) Vladimir Putin (1) Vote for Change (1) VoteVets (1) WPA (1) Wall Steet (1) Wanda Sykes (1) War on Christmas (1) Watching Those We Chose (1) Wendell Ford (1) Wesley Clark (1) White Nationalism (1) White Phosphorous (1) Whitewater (1) Wildflowers (1) Will Scott (1) William Brennan (1) William Jennings Bryan (1) William Rivers Pitt (1) Wolfowitz (1) Women's Equality Day (1) Woodstock (1) XL Pipeline (1) Yes Men (1) Youth Vote (1) Yule (1) abortion clinics (1) abortion restrictions (1) abortion. (1) academic freedom (1) address to Congress (1) adultery (1) affluenza (1) afford (1) al-Marri (1) antibiotics (1) asylum (1) autocracy (1) automation (1) awards (1) bail (1) ballistic missiles to Taiwan (1) bankers (1) belief. atheism (1) biotechnology (1) book burning (1) brownbag (1) c (1) cable companies (1) cancer (1) cancer awareness (1) cap-n-trade (1) capital punishment (1) cellular service (1) change (1) (1) chocolate (1) civil forfeiture (1) civil righ (1) civil servants (1) civil unions (1) clim (1) coal ash (1) coexistence (1) collaborators (1) comets (1) congressional repugs. Rand Paul (1) congressional repugs. budget cuts (1) congressional repugs. repug obstruction (1) contgraception (1) corp (1) corpoations (1) corporaations (1) corporate welfare (1) corrupt states (1) corruptions (1) cowardice (1) cranes (1) critical thinking (1) death squads (1) debtor's prisons (1) deficit. (1) diversity (1) dreams (1) earmarks (1) economic populism (1) economy growth (1) emergency room (1) emergency services (1) enemy combatants (1) environmental justice (1) essay contest (1) ethanol (1) euthanasia (1) evidence (1) expertise (1) exploiting the masses (1) fact (1) faith. reason (1) firefighters (1) first amen (1) flag-burning (1) flip-flops (1) floods (1) football (1) forced birth (1) gay mar (1) gay pride (1) gerrymandering (1) global (1) global gag rule (1) gold mining (1) google fiber (1) government shutdow (1) gross national happiness (1) guardians (1) guns. abortion (1) guntards (1) h (1) health (1) herbicides (1) home care workers (1) homlessness (1) hurricanes (1) hypocrits (1) incarceration (1) inflation (1) inheritance (1) internment (1) investigations (1) kentucky gen (1) law enforcements (1) law enforcment (1) lawns (1) lethal injection (1) liars (1) license plates (1) male privilege (1) mass transportation (1) metaphysics (1) meteor shower (1) middle (1) migrant workers (1) miners (1) mis (1) money (1) morali (1) mythologoy (1) national commission (1) native plants (1) news (1) nudity (1) numeracy (1) nursing homes (1) o (1) obstruction (1) othering (1) payday loans (1) peanut allergies (1) penguins (1) pepper spray (1) philanthropy (1) pink-washing (1) planning (1) power (1) public ed (1) public hearings (1) racism. Kentucky (1) racism. liberals (1) reconciliation (1) relgion (1) remaining primaries (1) reparations (1) republican platform (1) repug Congress (1) repugs. elections (1) revolutionairies (1) right of assembly (1) right to know (1) sales tax (1) sanctuary cities (1) schoo boards (1) school lunch (1) science. religion (1) sec (1) secu (1) sedition (1) segregation (1) shaming (1) shock doctrine (1) sick leave (1) sickle-cell anemia (1) songs. protest (1) spring (1) square root day (1) stimulus (1) students (1) supernatural (1) surface mining (1) sustainability (1) tax buts (1) taxes. budget cuts. polls (1) teabag parties (1) the deficit (1) the rich. congressional repugs (1) theory (1) therapy (1) tolls (1) turgid (1) turnabout is fair play (1) ultrasound (1) vote by mail (1) vote suppression (1) voting. 2010 elections (1) warriors (1) waste (1) white suppr (1) white working class (1) wilderness (1) wildlife (1) women's rights child welfare (1) women's rights. repugs (1) women's rights; Rand Paul (1) work requirements (1) worker cooperatives (1) working clss (1) zero itolerance (1)