Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dems Need More "Terrible" People Like Harry Reid

There are times that the insistence of Democrats on comity, civility and "seriousness" at all times, even in the face of vicious, mendacious, violent, existential attacks from repugs, gets way too out of hand.

This is one of those times.


As much as I'd like to say that I'm shocked that some self-righteous so-called liberals are joining the right in their condemnation of Harry Reid for baiting Romney but I'm not. It's just how they roll. The wingnuts are kicking up a lot of dust in the hope that this might shut down the tax issue. If they can get Reid to apologize for "crossing the line" I suppose it might even be possible. And yes, they will be able to find even more timorous Villagers and others who vaguely position themselves on the left side of the dial to wring their hands and clutch their pearls over Harry Reid's alleged ethical downfall.


And Reid may not be making this up. Who knows? Reid is a Mormon and Bain had some very big Mormons in high places. And Reid is a very important guy who could have contacts in Bain just because. In any case, it's very easy to prove Reid wrong. Harry said that someone told him Mitt didn't pay any taxes for ten years. All Mitt has to do is release his taxes to prove otherwise and I think most people instinctively get that.
Yes, Jon Stewart, Harry Reid is terrible for standing up to that arrogant, privileged bully who thinks he doesn't have to follow the rules everybody else has to follow. Harry Reid is really terrible for using a long-standing and honorable political technique to call attention to Romney's refusal to release his taxes and bait him into being even more stupid about it. And Harry Reid is really, really terrible to say the obvious: that genuinely honorable George Romney would be ashamed of the entitled piece of shit his eldest son has become.
Terrible. Wonderfully, hilariously, boldly, successfully terrible. 

May he get exponentially more terrible in the next 93 days.

And may every Democratic candidate, office-holder and politician follow his lead.

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