Monday, March 29, 2010

What They Said

The repug lie that the violence they themselves incited is really the fault of the targets - Democratic politicians and their supporters - is getting traction in the MSM.

Help keep the truth alive with this post from Rachel Slajda at Talking Points Memo.

Yesterday, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor accused Democrats of exploiting threats against them for political gain and "dangerously fanning the flames" by suggesting Republicans were behind the anger and violent rhetoric of the right.

But Republicans have been systematically, and at a higher and higher pitch, declaring the health care law, and the government that made it law, illegitimate, dangerous and tyrannical. Comments like that do one thing: They stoke the fire already fueled by anger over bailouts and taxes and a perceived threat to liberty.

To wit:

Former Massachusetts governor and presidential aspirant Mitt Romney said, the day after health care passed the House, "America has just witnessed an unconscionable abuse of power."

House Minority Leader John Boehner called it "Armageddon." RNC Chairman Michael Steele agreed.

Steele followed up by saying he wanted to get House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "ready for the firing line this November," in trying to promote his "Fire Pelosi" moneybomb.

One of the most vicious screeds came from Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) after Sunday's vote:

Today Americans are reacquainted with the danger of an arrogant all powerful government, a deadly enemy within, a clear and present danger in Washington.

In spite of nationwide opposition socialized medicine is being forced down our throats. That medicine is toxic to freedom. But freedom dies hard in America.

I do not believe that the majority of Americans will submit passively to the gold chains of socialism.

Read the whole thing.

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