Monday, November 23, 2009

GAO: Kentucky Nursing Homes Among Worst in Nation

And the worst of the worst? For-profit, chain-affiliated homes.

Ten nursing homes in Kentucky, including one in Lexington, are among the most poorly performing in the United States, according to a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

And, according to the GAO, which provides oversight of federal agencies for Congress, the nursing home receiving the worst scores in Kentucky was also the second most poorly performing nursing home in the United States. The report did not say which of the 10 named in Kentucky was the worst, and GAO official John Dicken said he could not provide the name.

Only 15 states had more poorly performing nursing homes than Kentucky, according to the report.


The GAO said the poorly performing nursing homes tended to be chain affiliated and for-profit, had more beds and residents and registered nurses spent fewer hours with residents each day than in others.

Read the whole thing.

Example number seven million why the profit motive has no place in health care.

Corporations are completely amoral. They have a two-branch decision tree. Does it increase profits? If yes, do it. If no, don't do it. Even if "it" is cutting staff to the point that helpless old people suffer and die.

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