Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Questions About the 2010 Senate Race

Now that we finally know just how few pennies Dan Mongiardo managed to beg from even his BFFs in the Magic Buggy Whip industry, here are some new questions that need to be answered ASAP:

How long will it take for the MSM to stop referring to the Homophobe-in-Chief as the "favorite" to challenge Jim Bunning?

Will Dan Mongiardo drop out of the race before Governor Beshear names somebody else to be his running mate in 2011?

If he does, will Beshear take him back?

If Beshear pretends he didn't hear about Dr. Dan dropping out and goes ahead and names another running mate, will Mongiardo resign or go for the Lame Duck Embarassment Guinness World Record?

If Mongiardo doesn't drop out before Beshear names another running mate, how long will he stay in the race?

If he stays in the race, how much money is he likely to raise in the third quarter, and will anyone take my bet that it will be less than 50K?

If he stays in the race, will he dare to show his face at Fancy Farm? If he does, can we get Jon Stewart to MC?

If he actually stays in the race all the way through the primary election in May, how few votes will he get, and will anyone actually admit casting one of them?

If Mongiardo drops out, will anyone else jump into the race to challenge Conway? And if nobody does, will we all die of boredom before May?

It's now about four hours since the news broke about Mongiardo's pathetic fundraising - has Jack Conway's campaign staff stopped laughing yet?

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