Saturday, August 23, 2008

The POW Get-Out-of-Responsibility-Forever Card

Media Czech beat me to this.

How obscene is John McCain's constant use of his 35-year-old POW experience to get off the hook for literally everything?

The Rude Pundit, of course, has the answer.

John McCain: Using the POW Excuse Since At Least 1990:

In the dank realms of motherf**kery, from which spring forth the cretinous vermin who populate our current body politic, John McCain occupies a special place. For he is such a devious bag of douche that it's almost impossible to see how much of a motherf**ker he is through the oozy coating of righteousness that glazes him.


Oh, the shit that will come out in the next few months. For instance, Cindy McCain blamed her husband for her addiction to prescription painkillers back twenty years ago.


Of course, McCain's greatest bit of rank whorishness has been the way he and his staff use his time as a POW in 'Nam to brush aside any allegations of being less than impeccably honorable. Seriously, if you have to say about your candidate when he can't remember how many houses he owns, "This is a guy who lived in one house for five and a half years -- in prison," as McCain spokestooge Brian Rogers did yesterday, then your candidate is f**king worthless.

McCain's been playing that Hanoi Hilton card any time he gets into trouble. Back in the bad old days of the Keating Five, the scandal that dare not be mentioned until the Obama campaign sees the whites of McCain's eyes, McCain and his friends tossed it out there like a pocket ace. According to the Washington Post on November 21, 1990, McCain told Keating he "had not spent 5 1/2 years in a [North Vietnamese] prisoner of war camp to have his courage or integrity questioned," although the logical connection there seems amiss.


McCain's own people see him as so horribly traumatized by his POW tenure that he can't be asked to bother with things like adhering to ethics guidelines or remembering the number of homes he owns. Since when is PTSD a qualification for president?

But don't listen to me or the Rude Pundit, as neither of us has ever been a POW. Listen to Phillip Butler, who spent years longer in the Hanoi Hilton, and suffered orders of magnitude more there, than did John McCain.

As some of you might know, John McCain is a long-time acquaintance of mine that goes way back to our time together at the U.S. Naval Academy and as Prisoners of War in Vietnam. He is a man I respect and admire in some ways. But there are a number of reasons why I will not vote for him for President of the United States.

Although Butler does not say so specifically, his analysis of McCain's behavior as a former POW throws into sharp relief just how despicable is McCain's abuse of that experience.

Read the whole thing.

Cross-posted at BlueGrassRoots.

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