Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where Your State Ranks on Health Care

Via Crooks and Liars.

Everyone surprised to find Kentucky in the bottom 10, stand on your head.

Jon Perr shows that health care is only the latest social good desperately needed in red states whose wingnut freakazoid congresscritters are determined to deny to their needy constituents.

Red state GOP Congressmen returning home for the August recess will find two epidemics sweeping their districts, crises they seem intent on ignoring. The first is the plague that is the "birther movement," the apparently contagious delusion primarily afflicting Southern Republicans that President Obama was not born in the United States. The second is dismal health care. As it turns out, health care performance is worst in precisely those reddest of states which voted for George W. Bush and John McCain.

Read the whole thing.

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