Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Peek at a Villager Stripped Naked

The Beltway Villagers who direct and destroy our national political discourse pride themselves on their insider "knowledge," the personal relationships with lawmakers and powerbrokers that give the Villagers "insight" denied to the hoi polloi, especially the blogger variety of hoi.

But now Aimai gives us an insider look at Villager Extraordinaire Joe Klein, as he postures for party-goers at The Vineyard:

I was standing at the cookout minding my own business when Klein started pontificating for the rubes on how “surprising” and “shocking” it was that Grassley, of all people, should have come out and endorsed the “death panels” lie. I walked up and said “why are you surprised?” [edited to remove typo] to which he, in best pundit debater fashion (never allow yourself to admit you were just posing!), shot back “who says I'm surprised?” I said “well, you did. You just started your lecture saying “Its surprising.”” Its not surprising, the republicans have nothing left to lose and nothing left to gain at this point outside of pleasing the crazy base and attacking Obama and the dems.”

Aimai challenged him! How dare she! And Klein responded with the screaming, foot-stamping hysteria you rarely see outside reality tv shows. The more Aimai stripped away his facade of secret wisdom and above-it-all detachment, the louder he screamed.

Read the whole thing - it's hysterical. You'll never read the MSM the same way again.

And don't miss Greenwald's take.

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