Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Inconvenient Health Care Truths

Yes, it's pointless and a waste of breath to repeat facts to people who for whatever reason prefer the lies, but for the record, Down With Tyranny has a list of Facts About Health Care Reform for you to keep handy.

... although much truthful info is available in uncounted articles about health care reform, it might just be very practical to simply gather it up and compose a list of FACTS, not Republican “facts” or lies as rational folks call them, but FACTS. Presented in this JUST THE FACTS FORM, they could be useful to readers who encounter crazies at the water cooler, at town hall meetings, or in Congress itself. Why, you could even mail it to your own Congressperson, whether they are sane or not. If your Senator is a Republican, you could even go over to your local airport and plaster the men’s room stalls with it. If you are having family over for any Labor Day festivities and your family suffers the shame of having a Republican in its midst, it might also come in handy for such an occasion. Come to think of it, though, you might mention that you are surprised that a Repug celebrates Labor Day.

With a bonus 10-point list of Facts About Canadian Health Care!

Read, copy, forward, print, distribute.

1 comment:

Jack Jodell said...

...and the truth must keep marching on!