Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The "Real Obscenity" in the Kentucky Senate Race

In his speech at Fancy Farm August 1, Attorney General Jack Conway referred to himself as a "tough son of a bitch," causing widespread pearl-clutching and fainting among followers of fancy city boy Dan Mongiardo, who immediately squeaked a foot-stamping demand that Conway apologize for language that wouldn't shock a three-year-old.

Via Page One, departing Courier-Journal editor David Hawpe calls out Mongiardo for his anti-Kentucky hypocrisy.

The real obscenity is the slavish devotion of his opponent, Daniel Mongiardo, to the coal industry. Mongiardo defends the indefensible — mountaintop removal strip mining — as a way to create the kind of flat land that poverty-stricken Eastern Kentucky needs. Never mind that widespread scalping of hills will leave thousands of acres flat and empty land, miles and miles from hookups to basic utility services and existing centers of population and commerce. What Mongiardo considers a viable development strategy will create, instead, an archipelago of environmental ruin in the coalfields.

What then?

When no use can be found for these islands of desolation, will then-Sen. Mongiardo propose the creation of our first national ATV park and name it for Bill Sturgill, who pioneered the joys and benefits of strip mining in Eastern Kentucky?

Talk about profane.

Read the whole thing.

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