Friday, August 28, 2009

Our Enemies Are Not Honorable

And by enemies I mean every single member of the republican party.

Down With Tyranny reminds President Obama just whom he's dealing with.

...“They say one should not speak ill of the dead,” wrote Bill Bennett on the National Review’s website. “True. But I am of the view that one should not lie about the dead either. So I will not go on.”

Bennett did go on, however, saying there was “no one in the Senate” with Kennedy’s “force power, and impact”-– even if the Massachusetts Democrat “assaulted our causes and nominees.”

Their causes? Like implementing a barbaric society based on the Law of The Jungle? If conservative "causes" had prevailed we wouldn't have had a Bill of Rights; we would still have slavery; women wouldn't have the right to vote. There would be no public education, no labor unions to protect workers, no protection for consumers, no Social Security, no environmental protections, no protections for the disabled, no Medicare, no regulations of the unbridled power of corporations. These are all what conservative "causes" are and have always been all about-- preserving the status quo on behalf of the wealthy elites who prosper and bribe them-- that simple.

And you know what? I'm sure Ted Kennedy would proudly stand up and plead guilty to that charge of Bill Bennett's. I wish I could be as sure Barack Obama would. Maybe Obama plans to really give the public option a Teddy Kennedy-like push when support climbs above the measly 79% mark. That includes 89% of Democrats and 80% of independents. I guess what's holding back President Bipartisan is that only 61% of Republicans favor the public option... and that means the 33% who oppose it won't like him. Maybe they'll say he's a socialist or Hitler or born in another country or that they wish he was dead.

Time to grow up and accept the mantle of leadership we gave you.

Read the whole thing.

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