Friday, March 13, 2009

Somebody Check David Williams' Basement for Pods

First he turned on a dime and permitted the Kentucky state senate to approve tax increases on tobacco and alcohol.

Now the republican senate president has blocked a gay-bashing bill from coming to a vote.

Scum-bucket sponsor Gary Tapp vows to bring the gay-bashing bill back next year, and maybe the plan is to get the bill passed as Tapp launches his 2010 re-election campaign.

I'm open to the idea that new Democratic state house Speaker Greg Stumbo has some kind of persuasive/blackmailing power over Williams, but Invasion of the Body Snatchers makes a lot more sense.

Maybe Williams is trying to project an appearance of reasonableness in preparation for running for Jim Bunning's U.S. Senate seat next year, although support for taxes and gays is hardly the way to win a repug primary in this state.

Whatever's behind Williams' bizarre behavior, Kentucky Democrats would be making a huge mistake to assume that it's safe to turn our backs on him.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ....


Old Scout said...

Spot-on, Dog!

Ken Duberstien brought the practice to the Republican Party in '80. Be nice until the public commitment is held in place with crazy glue and then it's time to be a real Republican. They used it to turn the solidly Democratic south an even more solid swamp of Republican alley-gaters.

Keep on doggin' 'em!

Anonymous said...

Turn my back on Davis Williams?

I may have been born at night, but
it wasn't last night.