Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama's Socialism Needs Work

One of the many annoying habits of the wingnut freakazoid crowd is its deliberate use of emotional push-button words that don't mean what they pretend they mean. Words like patriotism, freedom, terrorism, commander in chief, liberal.

And Socialism.

In last Sunday's Washington Post, Billy Wharton, head of the Socialist Party USA, explains why President Barack Obama is doing a piss-poor job of turning us into a Socialist Hell-hole.

The funny thing is, of course, that socialists know that Barack Obama is not one of us. Not only is he not a socialist, he may in fact not even be a liberal. Socialists understand him more as a hedge-fund Democrat -- one of a generation of neoliberal politicians firmly committed to free-market policies.

The first clear indication that Obama is not, in fact, a socialist, is the way his administration is avoiding structural changes to the financial system.

Nationalization is simply not in the playbook of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his team. They favor costly, temporary measures that can easily be dismantled should the economy stabilize. Socialists support nationalization and see it as a means of creating a banking system that acts like a highly regulated public utility. The banks would then cease to be sinkholes for public funds or financial versions of casinos and would become essential to reenergizing productive sectors of the economy.

The same holds true for health care. A national health insurance system as embodied in the single-payer health plan reintroduced in legislation this year by Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), makes perfect sense to us. That bill would provide comprehensive coverage, offer a full range of choice of doctors and services and eliminate the primary cause of personal bankruptcy -- health-care bills. Obama's plan would do the opposite. By mandating that every person be insured, ObamaCare would give private health insurance companies license to systematically underinsure policyholders while cashing in on the moral currency of universal coverage. If Obama is a socialist, then on health care, he's doing a fairly good job of concealing it.

Issues of war and peace further weaken the commander in chief's socialist credentials. Obama announced that all U.S. combat brigades will be removed from Iraq by August 2010, but he still intends to leave as many as 50,000 troops in Iraq and wishes to expand the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. A socialist foreign policy would call for the immediate removal of all troops. It would seek to follow the proposal made recently by an Afghan parliamentarian, which called for the United States to send 30,000 scholars or engineers instead of more fighting forces.


I doubt that any of Obama's policies will someday appear in the annals of socialist history. The president has, however, been assigned the unenviable task of salvaging a capitalist system intent on devouring itself. The question is whether he can do so without addressing the deep inequalities that have become fundamental features of American society. So, President Obama, what I want to know is this: Can you lend legitimacy to a society in which 5 percent of the population controls 85 percent of the wealth? Can you sell a health-care reform package that will only end up enriching a private health insurance industry? Will you continue to favor military spending over infrastructure development and social services?

My guess is that the president will avoid these questions, further confirming that he is not a socialist except, perhaps, in the imaginations of an odd assortment of conservatives. Yet as the unemployment lines grow longer, the food pantries emptier and health care scarcer, socialism may be poised for a comeback in America. The doors of our "socialist cubby-hole" are open to anyone, including Obama. I encourage him to stop by for one of our monthly membership meetings. Be sure to arrive early to get a seat -- we're more popular than ever lately.

Read the whole thing.


Jack Jodell said...

This whole notion that President Obama is a socialistis 100% lying nonsense! When you hear bimbos like Sarah Palin or idiots like Joe the phony Plumber saying such things, you can almost forgive them because they have the mental faculties of an amoeba. But when you hear that kind of talk coming from members of the Republican congressional caucus, it is totally unforgivable. There is no complete state takeover of the banking industry, with government directly controlling revenue or profit. National health care, the REAL kind fully run by the state, is a daily and successful reality in the entire industrialized world, except here. Obama's plan still allows the piggish parasite insurance industry to play a big role and continue to profit off human illness, and it also allows the filthy greedy pharmaceutical industry to thrive. So this talk of socialism is a LIE deliberately being put forth by those free market criminals who want things to stay exactly as they are, and also by fearful, DUMB, very ignorant people suspicious of any government involvement with anything. No excuse for this fear mongering language!!!

Jack Jodell said...

Another thought on this socialist bull: Many of those rich crybabies on the right are describing Obama's plan to more heavily tax the rich than they're being taxed today as a "redistribution of wealth" and therefore "socialistic." They are distorting reality and being overly dramatic. For it wasn't socialistic when Clinton did it in the '90s, nor was it socialistic in the '60s and '70s when the rich were taxed far, FAR higher than they were even in the '90s. TAX THE RICH, FEED THE POOR. PERIOD! After the fascist practices of rolling back taxes on the filthy rich and giving their corporations gigantically lucrative non-bid military contracts in Iraq overwhelmingly paid for by poor and working class American taxpayers and NOT by the rich, Obama's plan is not only sensible, but FAIR as well. So if HE's a socialist, which he most certainly is NOT, then I'm a bigger communist than Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels combined! Absolute utter nonsense!

Anonymous said...

I'm quite serious, YD - where did the comments go from the post on Gary Tapp last week? I am pretty sure there were at least 5 comments that are now "disappeared" - and there may have been more.

If you're going to dump comments, at least leave a note behind saying why. Otherwise, it makes you look like a Repugnican.