Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quote of the Day

Former repug tool Joel Klein, on why David Brooks' latest plea for surrender moderation by President Obama is unadulerated bullshit:

"We are at the end of a 30-year period of radical conservatism, a period so right-wing that many of those now considered 'liberals' -- like, say, Barack Obama -- would be seen as moderate pantywaists in the great sweep of modern political history. The past 30 years have been such a violent departure from the norm, such a profound destruction of the basic functions of government, that a major rectification is called for now -- in rebalancing the system of taxation toward progressivity, in rebuilding the infrastructure of the country, not just physically, but also socially and intellectually. So it's not surprising that the President would feel the need to move on all fronts, rather than prioritizing, as Brooks would want.... In almost every case, Obama has chosen a moderate path of government activism."


Anonymous said...

Yes...well, that and the fact that Brooks remains as self-deluding as ever. He started the piece referred to with a reference to "we moderates", thereby attempting to negate AT LEAST the past eight years spent with his (Brooks') head so far up Bush's ass that he could see daylight out the other end.

David Brooks is not a man to be taken seriously. One wonders how he ever even got a job at the Times. Did he go to an Ivy League school or something? That's apparently all it takes to get a job there. He's laughably lacking in self-awareness, almost as bad as William Kristol, who has the forum HE does because of who his daddy was.

But Brooks is a looney-tune. Count on it. Always has been, always will be.

Though it's at least a little satisfying to see just how profoundly the wheels are coming off the right wing. Hell, Limbaugh is coming unglued with remarkable speed. Expect a couple or more serious crackups from the right very, very soon.

And then you may laugh at them. Very, very hard!

Jack Jodell said...

Joe Klein nailed it perfectly. His observation should become required reading in all classrooms in America. David Brooks is nuts.