Monday, April 5, 2010

The Real Meaning of Easter

Wondering why you wasted hours of a truly perfect spring day in church yesterday?

PZ Myers explains.

It's Easter. Once again, the masses will gawp in awe at a bizarre and unbelievable story…because it is such a good example of how religion will piggy-back on our cognitive biases.


This is how you should think about the holiday today. Selfless sacrifice for the greater good is a social virtue, and it's nice that Christianity has imbedded the idea in its heart. But what's revolting is that they've taken this simple idea and spindled it up into a sick, twisted, confusing botch of a story that guts it of its power if you use your brain and think about it. Easter is a holiday for the mindless, with a grim horror at its center.

Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

Eric Schansberg said...

Bizarre? Yes, in a sense. Unbelievable? To some, yes.

In any case, the atheist also asks us to believe a bizarre and "unbelievable" story-- non-God reasons for the origins of the universe and the origins of life, and Evolution as a comprehensive explanation for the development of life. O ye, of so much faith!