Friday, April 9, 2010

Murdering Repug Douchebag of the Year

Tom B summons righteous rage in this passionate rant against the Murderer of Mountcoal.

Even before the explosion in West Virginia that killed 25 of his company's employees, Don Blankenship was a Hollywood-caliber villain.

If this doesn't convince you that the chickenshit CEOs who sit on their ultra padded asses on ultra padded swivel chairs in ultra swanky board rooms making life and death decisions for all of us will cheerfully kill you in large numbers in order to add a quarter a share to their stock price and simply chalk up the meaningless fines thereby incurred as a "normal" business expense, then I suppose nothing will and you might as well stop reading right now.

In Ms. Bingham's excellent piece we learn that the CEO of Massey Energy, one Don Blankenship, is not a whole more than a mass murderer... if not in the eyes of the law, then in the eyes of any sane, rational human being. He's a prick... one of a caliber not seen often, even in the sacrosanct halls of Korporate Amerika. A bully and a toad totally devoid of even the smallest shred of humanity that belongs in some dark corner in the far reaches of the reptile house at your local zoo.

OK, had to get that out of my system. Ms. Bingham starts off by saying: (Emphasis added)

For the past five years, I’ve watched Don Blankenship like a hawk.

Several reporting trips to West Virginia’s devastated coal fields have led me to an irresistible and macabre fascination with the state’s richest and most politically powerful coal baron. Blankenship’s rags-to-riches story is colorful, and his belligerence is infuriating. Hollywood couldn’t have invented a better villain than this CEO of Massey Energy.

Read the whole thing.

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