Monday, November 2, 2009

Don't Take the Wrong Lessons from Tomorrow's Elections

Yeah, we're gaining weight on all the popcorn we're gobbling while watching the teabagging, birther extremists in the New York 23rd District Congressional race destroy the GOP.

But in Virginia, the opposite phenomenon is threatening to destroy the Democratic Party: Blue Dog DINO Creigh Deeds is stabbing the national Democratic Party in the back with a campaign that erases every gain the party made in 2008.

Deeds is going to lose. He's going to lose huge - by 15 points at least, and probably more than 20.

And he's going to lose huge after spending six months running ... wait for it ... against the first Democratic presidential candidate to win Virginia in 44 years.

Creigh Deeds hates President Obama, the Democratic Party and everything Real Democrats stand for. He's against genuine health care reform. He's against stimulating the economy with spending. He's against fighting climate change.

Creigh Deeds is going to lose huge because he's trying to out-repug a repug.

Which always - always - fails.

If the lesson of NY-23 for republicans is that moderates must convert to wingnut insanity or be shot on sight, then the lesson of the Virginia governor's race is that you can't beat a republican by running as a republican.

Repug wingnut freakazoids are going to ride Doug Hoffman's victory in NY-23 to a catastrophic crash-and-burn in 2012 that's going to make Reagan's 49-state victory in 1984 seem like the 1960 squeaker.

Don't let the cowardly weasels of the Blue Dog Caucus ride Deeds' humiliating loss in a state Democrats should have taken in a walk to an even more humiliating loss of both houses of Congress in 2010.

Support Blue America's dedicated efforts for 2010 to defeat Bad Dogs.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ....

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