Sunday, November 22, 2009

Abdicating Personal Responsibility

Don't let the celebrity bullshit and the can-she-be-any-stupider shadenfreude hide the most frightening, yet neglected, revelation in the latest political "biography."

"My life is in His hands. I encourage readers to do what I did many years ago, invite Him in to take over.”

This is classic born-again cliche. As a recovered born-again myself, I can testify to the relief of feeling all my problems were over because someone else was taking over. No more agonizing decisions, no more annoying responsibilities. Just kick back and let jayzuz, the Perfect Housekeeper, take care of the mess.

But a few days later, the mess is still there. It's obvious eventually even to the densest that "Him taking over" doesn't include erasing that pot possession charge or stopping the beatings or arranging a Powerball win.

Some born-agains deal with this rude intrusion of reality by praying harder, some by actually getting their act together and pretending god did it for them.

And some deal with it by manipulating others into taking care of their lives for them, and blaming the ones who refuse to cooperate.

Only the last group discovers the real benefit of being born again: permission to do exactly what you damn well please, no matter how many other people get hurt, because god is now running your life so everything you do is god-approved.

As Smirky proved so irrefutably, having someone who behaves this way in control of lethal weapons is extraordinarily destructive.

But not to the born-again him/herself. That person just floats above the wrack and ruin, divinely annointed and immune to responsibility or consequences.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ....

1 comment:

Rich Miles said...

It's schadenfreude.

Other than that, one of the best succinct descriptions of the downside of surrendering to the baby Jeebus. I mean, it really is sickening to me to see supposedly responsible adults just throwing up their hands and giving up like this.

No more to be said, really. You said it all, and very well too, I might add.