Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Courts Deal Another Blow to Kentucky Freakazoids

For decades, freakazoids have been sucking up hundreds of millions of Kentucky tax dollars and using it to indoctrinate abused and neglected children in state custody.

Virtually every residential care facility, group home and foster care system in the state is freakazoid-affiliated, ensuring that children removed from dangerous homes will be further damaged by indoctrination into reality-defying superstition.

One of the worst offenders is Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children, recently renamed Sunrise Children's Services. KBHC subjects hundreds of Kentucky children every year to its Xian doctrine of myth, lies and hate.

Eleven years ago, KBHC fired a professional, experienced, well-regarded social worker for being gay. Alicia Pedreira sued KBHC for religious discrimination. It should have been a slam-dunk, considering that KBHC's defense amounted to "the voices in our heads told us we could."

A federal judge in Louisville dismissed the case last year, apparently on the basis of "gheys - oh, ick" but the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati just slammed it back down with "Read the Constitution, asshole" branded on it.

"This case gives Kentucky taxpayers pretty much a green light to challenge public funding of religion," said Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

It's an AP story, unfortunately, so you'll have to read the rest here.

But it doesn't come close to expressing the massive violation of both civil and human rights committed by the dozens of freakazoid agencies with multi-million-dollar contracts to provide social services to Kentucky's most vulnerable children, adults and seniors.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ...

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