Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ben Chandler, Cowardly Weasel

Blue Dog Ben Chandler hides so far up the ass of the health insurance industry that finances his reelection campaigns that he can't bring himself to express even the vaguest support for the broad concept of health care reform.

About two dozen advocates for cancer treatment urged U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler on Tuesday to support health care reform that provides insurance for all Americans.

In return, the Versailles Democrat offered empathy, but few promises. Chandler, a member of the conservative Blue Dog Coalition of Democrats, stopped short of supporting President Obama’s proposal for a publicly funded insurance plan.

“This is very much a moving target,” he said of the various plans being discussed. “I don’t think anybody knows what’s going to happen with health care reform.”

Here's a clue, you fucking traitor: you can't hit a moving target at which you refuse to even aim.

If Benny Boy and his repug buds in the Blue Dog Caucus stopped running and hiding from the 78 percent of Americans who want a strong public option in health care reform, the target would stop moving.

It's Benny and his fellow wholly-owned subsidiaries of the giant, billionaire health insurers who are preventing reform and contributing to thousands of cases of unnecessary suffering, bankruptcy and death every year.

Where is the Real Democrat who will primary this worthless piece of shit?

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