Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bevin's War on Kentucky's Women

Shame on you, Herald-Leader. You've just lost your right to claim First Amendment for anything, after refusing to defend your Pulitzer-Prize-winning cartoonist's completely accurate and fair depiction of how Governor Lying Coward is destroying the commonwealth.


Pulitzer Prize-winning Lexington Herald-Leader cartoonist Joel Pett takes on Planned Parenthood's fate in Bevinstan:

The LHL pulled the cartoon before it went to print.  Can't piss off the Gov, even if he has let women in Kentucky have it.  Pett posted it anyway.  And yes, Pett has run afoul of Governor Bevin before.

I wonder if Bevin will lay down any more unconstitutional and open threats against Pett like he did back in November, despite the First Amendment clearly being on Pett's side here.

We'll see.

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