Double the Fairness in Kentucky
The nationally-acclaimed success of kynect has overshadowed what otherwise would have been the biggest story of 2013 in Kentucky: the number of communities barring discrimination against LGBT people doubled.
From the Fairness Campaign:
On Monday, December 9, the City of Morehead unanimously approved an LGBT anti-discrimination Fairness ordinance, doubling the number of Kentucky cities with Fairness in 2013!
With our first victory this year in the Appalachian town of Vicco, the smallest city in America with LGBT Fairness, then in Frankfort, our state’s capital, and now another Eastern Kentucky success with Morehead, Fairness and equality are spreading across our commonwealth like wildfire, but will our state capitol feel the heat?
Please contact Kentucky leaders now by downloading this flyer to express your support for statewide Fairness and call for a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.
Also, mark your calendars to join us for our important “Fairness Rally Day at the Capitol” on Wednesday, February 19. Beginning at 8:30 a.m., we’ll join voices from all across the bluegrass to lobby and rally for Kentucky Fairness