Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Who's the Bigger Liar - Rand Paul or the Courier-Journal?

How to tell when a political campaign or a once-great newspaper is swirling the drain:

The dying newspaper runs as a "print exclusive" old news that a local blogger broke weeks ago.

And the failing political campaign tries to hide its hypocrisy by scrubbing its website of no-longer-operative positions.

We're all put to shame by the way Media Czech and Jake are beating even the network heavyweights to the great Rand Paul stories.

But the proper way to handle that is to admit our failure, credit the scoopers and work harder. The Courier chose to continue its pretense that Kentucky bloggers don't exist and insult its readers by running Jake's scoop as its own.

In contrast, the Herald-Leader shows how it's done, by crediting Media Czech with breaking the news about Paul scrubbing his website.

The Herald-Leader has its problems, but it has yet to sink to Courier level. So check out the Rand Paul news there this morning:

Jack Conway's campaign woke up from its post-primary nap with a demand that Paul release his Medicaid billing records.

And Paul throws a temper tantrum over anyone daring to question his medical qualifications.

1 comment:

Media Czech said...

Liberty Christ is a gift from Gawd