Sunday, June 6, 2010

North Dakota Rejects Freakazoids

The new capital of Reason, Logic, Law, Civil Rights and First Amendment Defense is ... Fargo.

A Fargo man will get his ISNOGOD license plate, a letter from the Department of Transportation director says.

Brian Magee’s request was initially denied, but following an appeal, Director Francis Ziegler overturned that decision Thursday.

“Our attorneys have advised us that under the law you are entitled to the license plate you requested,” Ziegler said in his letter to Magee.

Magee had argued in his appeal that he had seen license plates that advocate religion, such as TRI GOD and ILOVGOD, and when the state denied his plate, it was endorsing religion.

The department with the help of the attorney general’s office used legal precedent when making its decision.

“Due to the nature of the request, we thought we should due a broader legal review,” said Linda Butts, the the deputy director of Driver and Vehicle Services.

The department received his appeal last Friday.

“I’m glad the state decided to make a decision so quickly,” Magee said.

He was disappointed, however, that the state didn’t pick the other option he gave in his letter of appeal.

“I wish, like I had said in the letter, that they would remove religious messages from government property altogether ... but I guess it’s a win.”

If you drive within 100 miles of Indiana, you've seen the "In God We Trust" license plates. I always have two reactions:

- "Who do you mean, 'we'?

- "In good brakes and tight steering I trust."

h/t Steve Benen.

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