Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How Bipartipartsianship is Killing Health Care Reform, Part 2

As our dear friend Blue Girl often says, if you can't use profanity to describe an obscenity, when can you use it?

The great Rude Pundit once again harnesses his genius for sexual metaphor to explain the obscenity that is Congressional Democrats' idea of bipartisanship.

It is the usual way for Democrats, thinking that bipartisanship means giving Republicans what they want. It's as if the Democrats were a family inviting a Republican family over for the Democratic daughter's My Little Pony birthday party, but the Republican family won't come unless the Democratic family changes it to a Bakugan party so the Republican son can feel welcome. Instead of telling the Republican family to go fuck itself, the Democratic family makes sure that every cute plastic pony is facing down some horrible mutating machine. It's okay for bipartisanship to mean that Democrats invite Republicans to play. If they don't wanna, then the hell with 'em.


Who, exactly, are the Blue Dog Democrats (and the Republicans) trying to please here? Fucking Hugh Hewitt and the other conservative drones aren't gonna nuance this shit out. They're not gonna sit there and think, "Well, at least they didn't pass a public plan financed by a tax on rich people" and then accept whatever comes down the pike. If even the mildest health reform passes, the one that says one-legged American orphans with TB must get coverage, Rush Limbaugh will scream like someone at McDonald's told him they couldn't batter his Big Mac and put it in the deep fryer.

In the push to be able to say they got something passed when they had majorities in both Houses of Congress, the Democrats are shifting the organizing principle of the argument from universal coverage to keeping costs for the already-insured down. And you can bet that, even then, the vast, vast majority of Republicans will vote it down because it's not bipartisan enough.

Read the whole thing. Rated X.

1 comment:

Old Scout said...

By virtue of conduct, behavior and lack of moral or emotional stability, the Republicans are not bi-partisan. While in the marority, it's their way or the highway. While the minority, they whine about the opposition isn't 'd'emocratic.

Well, it's time to stick a broom up their rectums and require them to shake their bums in harmony with Jimi Hendrix "National Anthem". We'll get a clean sweep that way and the rest of the world gets a laugh.

Blue dogs need a reality check from Pelosi & Co. She gave an interview to a Politico conservative operative in which she corrected the record ... for the record. She wishes to be respected and believed, not liked. For some reason, we the educated literatti need to get a grip on reality. We don't need to be liked. We need to be productive. Productive isn't a dirty word or concept. What is your fucking problem people? We must produce change; it isn't a fucking mushroom that magically appears from the moist wet darkness of time. Primordial ooze doesn't produce change. It is the growth medium from which change rises!