Sunday, April 19, 2009

How to Retire the U.S. Debt: Auction Roy Moore

Steve Benen has a post on Judge Roy Moore's plan to run for governor of Alabama.

Moore, of course, is the Dominionist freakazoid who wants to turn the U.S. into a Talibantastic Xian theocracy. Lucky Alabama Democrats! Whether Moore's the repug nominee or runs as an independent, this is the dems' chance of a lifetime. Moore would get every freakazoid vote in the state, but if dems play their cards right, he wouldn't get a single vote from anyone else.

Man, I'd pay plenty for a repug candidate like Moore. If we'd had Roy Moore running as an independent against Mitch McConnell last year, we'd have taken that Senate seat for the dems.

How much would you pay to have Roy Moore ensuring dem victories in your state?

Hey, here's an idea: let's auction Roy Moore off. State and local Democratic parties, PACs, big donors can bid on a Roy Moore candidacy for whatever race needs a pro-dem boost.

This is the key: all proceeds go to retire the U.S. debt. If we allow Moore to run in multiple states during the same election cycle, we could put the nation back in a surplus before the end of President Obama's first term.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ....


RichMiles said...

Leave us not underestimate the boy, my friend. The wingnuts who are his natural constituency still make up about 25% of the voting population. They win elections by scaring the piss out of another 26% or so. And while they're less able to achieve this goal now than they were say, two or three years ago, when you add in the fact that Moore is running in Wingnut Central, aka Alabama, you have to acknowledge that he has a better chance to win than we might have given him in a national race.

Seriously, Moore has a chance to win in that electorate. He's not the shoo-in he thinks he is, but he has a chance.

Mark it!

BimBeau said...

Mark it.

Roy Moore is cunning; so cunning that he won't run outside of Alabama, Mississippi or Louisiana. He knows even Texans wouldn't vote for him.

The only weakness here, Dog, is getting the shit-for-mind & brain-dead Moore out of the state. He won't leave, except under police escort approved by visiting locale and provided by the tax-payers of 'Bama - State Po-leecemens. This guarantees him a complete round-trip.

Some good ideas just don't make it to the starting line.