Thursday, December 24, 2009

"95 percent of what I wanted."

Jim Lehrer's a putz, and President Obama is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Corporate America, but last night the two did agree that the modern filibuster, as wielded by repugs, is an abomination.

"I mean, if you look historically back in the '50s, the '60s, the '70s, the '80s - even when there was sharp political disagreements, when the Democrats were in control for example and Ronald Reagan was president - you didn't see even routine items subject to the 60-vote rule.

So I think that if this pattern continues, you're going to see an inability on the part of America to deal with big problems in a very competitive world, and other countries are going to start running circles around us. We're going to have to return to some sense that governance is more important than politics inside the Senate. We're not there right now."

Part One:

Part Two:

Read the transcript here.

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