Brett Guthrie is a Lying Moron, Part The Last
So, the repug lying moron who fails to represent the people of Kentucky's Second District in Congress can stop pretending he gives a flying fuck about we citizens of Shelby County and can start pretending he gives a flying fuck about the citizens of Jessamine, Garrard, Mercer and Boyle Counties.
But before we start contemplating the Epic Democratic Clusterfuck shaping up in Shelby County's new home in the Fourth Congressional District, let's rip ol' Brett a new one just one more time.
Here's his emailed response to President Obama's State of the Union Address:
Every Kentuckian watching President Obama’s address last night has to be wondering how this year is going to be any different than the past three.
Whoever told you you can read minds, Brett, that person lied. I, personally, watched President Obama's speech and you know what I was wondering? I was wondering why every repug in that chamber didn't commit suicide on the spot listening to the man who is going to deliver a world-record beatdown to them in November.
President Obama's policies of more spending, higher taxes and more regulations have hampered economic growth and ultimately left our economy weaker.
Just for shits and giggles, how about some facts? President Obama has cut taxes for everyone in this country - one of the biggest being the payroll tax cut you and your fellow repugs are trying to kill. Which murder will actually hamper economic growth that is now visibly rebounding thanks to President Obama's stimulus policies, not those non-existent "regulations."
Since President Obama took office,1.7 million fewer people have jobs, gas prices have remained at historic highs and more than $4 trillion has been added to the national debt.
Wow, totally backwards! Way to go, champ! Here's a chart showing actual job growth since the recession started in 2007. Red lines show monthly job losses in the Bush administration; blue lines job creation in the Obama administration.

As for the national debt, virtually all of it is due to two Bush-era programs that Brett and his fellow repugs have fanatically supported and continue to hysterically demand continue today and forever: the Bush tax cuts for the obscenely wealthy and the Bush blood-for-oil clusterfucks in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And there was a big motherfucking spender in the White House since 2000, but it wasn't Barack Obama:

The debate right now isn’t about what Congress has done. The House has passed both a budget that pays down our national debt in 30 years and more than 30 bills focused on job creation and getting our economy moving again.
I certainly understand why you don't want to talk about "what Congress has done," since it's earned you motherfuckers a nine percent approval rating. That's lower than al Qaeda's approval. More Americans approve of communism than approve of you, Brett. President Obama's approval is at 49 percent and rapidly approaching guaranteed re-election levels.
But no: bills to outlaw unions, gut health and safety inspections, demonize gays, kill Medicare, eliminate Social Security, imprison immigrants, reverse civil rights and send women back to the Dark Ages do not do anything to "create jobs." the opposite, in fact.
House Republicans have taken leadership positions and made tough choices, something the president has not done. Not on the economy and not on our energy policy.
More lies! House Republicans have done nothing but throw temper tantrums and dropped their diapers to shit on anything and everything President Obama suggests - even policies those same republicans themselves advocated last year, last month, last week.
It is hard to believe that the president is serious about energy independence and domestic energy production. The President had a chance to make a real impact on our national security and economic future. Instead, he rejected TransCanada’s application to build the Keystone XL pipeline and with it, tens of thousands of jobs and a historic opportunity to break our addiction to the oil we import from unstable, unfriendly regimes.
Really, Brett? You really want to publicly support a plan to destroy the major source of drinking water for a third of the country so that Canadians can sell oil to China, in the process actually eliminating American jobs? I know your Democratic opponent is a proven loon and loser, but do you really want to jump on that suicide wagon?
Another issue my committee has worked tirelessly to address is the implementation of the health care law. This bill added mountains of regulations and new programs, cut Medicare, and did nothing to address the number one issue concerning Americans - the rising cost of health care. Last night the president barely mentioned health care and the incredible burden this new law is placing on health care consumers and practitioners.
Poor baby. Obamacare gets more popular every day as more provisions come on line: millions of more people covered by insurance at lower cost, adult children covered under their parents' plan, Medicare cheaper and more efficient, health insurers prevented from dropping sick people or refusing coverage ... yeah, it's a socialist nightmare all right. One that Americans love.
I regularly hear about the issue of college affordability from many Kentucky families and I was pleased that the president mentioned this in his address. As a father of a college student and two more who are not far off, this is a very real issue for me. However, saddling our state budgets even more will only hurt students and parents trying to pay for college.
Lies AND denial! It's the massive cuts to domestic spending that Brett and his fellow repugs demand that are gutting state budgets and sending college tuition costs skyrocketing.
We are uniquely American because we believe in the common ideal that if you can work hard you can be successful. The president has done nothing to promote this, and in fact has created more burdens for small businesses and job creators.
What's uniquely repug is tax and spending policies that steal from the people who work hard at real jobs in order to enrich obscenely wealthy parasites who create jobs only for chauffeurs and maids. Rich motherfuckers - sorry for the redundancy - don't create jobs; only workers who get good pay and benefits create jobs.
If the president wants an economy built to last, he must stop the overregulation, stop the burdensome health care and energy costs, and empower American businesses to create jobs and get our economy moving again.
Moronic lies for the win! It is UNDERregulation that brought our economy to the brink of destruction, and only President Obama's policies that have dragged it back from the cliff edge.
While Brett Guthrie and his repug buddies shoved against recovery all the way.
I'd say I'm going to miss you, Brett, but I'm sure the inevitable winning repug in the Fourth is going to be just as moronic and mendacious as you, if not more so.
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