Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Trumpie Bevin to Force Public Servants to Pay for Legislature's 30-Year FuckUp

Kentucky's state worker pension plan is running out of money because for decades,k the General Assembly has refused to pay its obligations into the retirement system.  Legislators used the money they are constitutionally required to invest in the retirement plan and used it to plug holes in the budget.

The legislature stole Kentucky's retirement payments so they wouldn't have to balance the budget by making rich fucks and foreign corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

Then they broke the law in 2002 by cancelling state employee's statutorily-mandated annual raises.

They they slashed benefits for new hires, making state government employment less attractive than the night shift at Wendy's.

Now Governor "I Got Mine, Fuck You" Bevin wants to make state workers and retirees pay for the legislature's crimes with the retirement benefits the state constitution mandates.

Fuck off and die, motherfucker.  Raise taxes on the rich fucks and corporations who have skated on taxes for decades.  Get the money they stole from state workers.  Restore the pension plan with that recovered money.

Then raise taxes again on the rich fucks and corporations to pay their fair share now and in the future.  Do that, and we might have an economy that supports a 21st century Commonwealth, with good schools and good jobs and a healthy, sustainable environment. 

From the Herald:

An independent consultant recommended sweeping changes Monday to the pension systems that cover most of Kentucky’s public workers, creating the possibility that lawmakers will cut payments to existing retirees and force most current and future hires into 401(k)-style retirement plans.


The group, which was hired by Bevin, offered only recommendations. Any changes to the pension system would come during a potential special legislative session in October. 

Over. Our. Dead. Bodies.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article169821392.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article169821392.html#storylink=cpy

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