Sunday, August 13, 2017

Own It, Republicans. Own It or Get the Fuck Out

D.R. Tucker at Political Animal:

If Painter has been a Republican for 30 years, then he knows damn well how long his party has been race-baiting. He knows damn well how the Republican Party resisted integrated schools, affirmative action, efforts to stop police brutality, and any and all efforts to remedy discrimination against African-Americans and other non-majority groups. He knows damn well that the GOP stopped embracing Abraham Lincoln decades ago–and wrapped its arms around the reactionary forces that gave rise to the viciousness in Virginia. 

If Painter is so morally offended by what happened in Charlottesville yesterday, he will renounce the GOP today and leave the party. If Ana Navarro is so morally offended by what happened in Charlottesville yesterday, she will renounce the GOP today and leave the party. If any Republican who bore witness to yesterday’s terrorism is horrified by what they saw, they will renounce the GOP today and leave the party.

As disgusting as many of George Will’s views are, he at least had enough common sense to get the hell out of the GOP the moment Trump won the GOP nomination. He knew that to remain a Republican after Trump became the party’s leader was to be morally complicit in Trump’s actions.
As for us, the Resistance, our moral obligation is to politely ask every trump voter we encounter that they specifically blame the white supremacy embedded in the GOP for the Deliberate Murder committed in Charlottsville yesterday.

If they refuse or deny, simply nod your head sadly, take up your cell phone and slowly and carefully type that person's name into a list headed "White Supremacist Motherfuckers."

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