The Only People Getting Rich Off KY Pensions Are Bevin's Wall Street Buddies
How very convenient that just when the country finally starts turning to raising taxes on the rich fucks who have been stripping the nation's treasury bare for 40 years, Governor I Got Mine Fuck You should decide that the victims of Kentucky's pension fraud - state employees - should have to pay for the money stolen by legislators and Wall Street sharks.
State employees have been fucked over time and again for 35 years, since legislators started chipping away at statutory benefits.
First they did away with incremental raises. Then performance bonuses. Then the annual raises mandated by state law. State employees haven't received full annual raises since 2002. That's 15 years without a raise.
By then the motherfuckers in the legislator had started stripping pension benefits from new hires. The ones hired since 2013 don't have a pension at all: just a 401K they have to pay for themselves, then watch Wall Street strip it down to nothing.
State employees did not cause the pension crisis. State employees are the victims of the pension crisis. But trumpie Bevin and repug austerity declare that the rich fucks who did cause the pension crisis cannot be asked to contribute a penny to solving it.
From the Herald:
Robb Smith, superintendent of Bellevue Independent Schools, was getting attention on social media Wednesday for a passionate open letter he wrote Gov. Matt Bevin in response to critical comments Bevin made about teachers.
“There are no absolutes when dealing with humans, but I can confidently say 99 percent of the people with whom I have worked, and there are hundreds, are not the greed-fueled personalities you have referenced in your speeches. The professionals in our schools are altruistic in motivation and pure in practice. To characterize them as anything else is irresponsible and unjust. To say they are anything but compassionate and dedicated is to distort the truth,” Smith wrote in an open letter to Bevin that he posted on social media.
The letter can be read in full at this link.