Thursday, January 3, 2013

Prayer Won't Close the Gun Show Loophole

The ministers who led the Civil Rights Movement knew that in fighting evil, prayers are not enough; you have to march and protest and demonstrate and throw your body on the machine of tyranny because the motherfuckers won't pay any attention to anything less.
Janet Patton at The Herald:

Local ministers will hold a memorial service in downtown Lexington on Saturday for the 28 children and adults shot in Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14.

The memorial in Triangle Park will take place at the same time as the Lexington Gun and Knife Show across the street in the Lexington Convention Center, said Rev. Woody Berry, pastor of Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church.

"To have in downtown Lexington at a city-owned center this gun and knife show in the midst of this season, seemed like somebody should say something," Berry said Tuesday.

But he said the event is a memorial, not a protest.

Saturday's event is about gun violence, not gun rights, he said.

"We're not anti-gun but there are proper responses we can do related to gun violence," Berry said. He said he would welcome speakers from the gun show as well.

Berry favors restrictions on the availability of automatic weapons such as the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle used to kill 20 first- and second-graders and six adults. Two other adults reportedly were also injured. Lanza also killed his mother and himself.

Lexington Gun and Knife Show promoter, R.K. Shows Inc., did not respond to a phone call or email for comment Tuesday.

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