Friday, January 4, 2013

Grammar Nazi

On mangled metaphor watch today.
“We now have 85 members of the House who have shunned their noses at us,” said Dustin Stockton, a Texas- and Nevada-based operative and the chief strategist of The Tea “Our job now is to recruit and inspire and motivate people to run against those Republicans who did it.”
Not sure whether that's nothing more than you'd expect from a teatard, or bad transcription from a reporter who doesn't know any better, but either way it's inexcusable.
Nobody "shunned" her nose.  Somebody might have thumbed her nose, as in putting your thumb to your nose and wiggling your fingers in a rude gesture that means something like "nyah, nyah, nyah, NYAH nyah."

I wish it were true congressional repugs were shunning the teatards, but I'm afraid metaphorical nose-thumbing was the worst they dared.

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