Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sex and the Repressed Repug, Virginia Edition

Sexual repression is a terrible affliction, and one that should disqualify its victims from holding political office or other positions of authority.

People like Ken Cuccinelli need serious professional help.

Or, you know, a decent blow job.

Josh Israel at Think Progress:

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II (R), the state Republican Party’s apparent choice for governor in 2013, claims he is “best known for his efforts to preserve liberty and defend the Constitution.” But in 2005, he used his position as a state Senator to try to censor a university sexual education event felt was “pushing a pro-sex agenda and an anything goes agenda.”

In 2005, a pro-choice student group at George Mason University organized its inaugural “Sextravaganza” event — a campus sexuality and health fair aimed at teaching attendees about practicing safer sex and preventing unplanned pregnancy. For this event, the group organized 15 booths to provide “information on abstinence, condoms and self-help exams, as well as sexual orientation.” An array of views were presented to approximately 500 attendees: a minister from the Campus Catholic Ministry staffed one of the tables promoting abstinence and opposing abortion, while others promoted abortion rights and provided information about safer sex.

Sen. Cuccinelli, however, was outraged that his alma mater — a public state university — would host an event he believed “really just designed to push sex and sexual libertine behavior as far, fast and furiously as possibly.” Among Cuccinelli’s objections to the event:
  • Upset that information about sexuality — other than abstinence only — would be presented to adult college students, he said it was symptomatic of the “moral depravity that has crept across this commonwealth and this country.”
  • Upset that the GMU Pride Alliance presented information on sexual orientation, he said, “You can’t have safe homosexual sex. There is no such thing and yet one of the sponsoring groups is the homosexual group on campus.”
  • Upset about an (ultimately scrapped) plan to raffle off sex toys at the fair, he said the event would “push every form of sexual promiscuity there is out there.”
  • Upset that some of the advertising for the event was paid for out of student activity fees, he said, “”This is a how-to fun fair for sex. This isn’t education. This is pushing sex. It’s encouraging it… It doesn’t swell me with pride to see my alma mater putting on a soft porn show.”
  • Upset that “aphrodisiacs” including Hershey’s Kisses, cucumber slices, strawberry Jello-O, and oyster crackers were given out at the event, Cuccinelli, Black, and three other Republican legislators wrote to the GMU’s president, “We appropriated $33.1 million in FY 2005 to treat STDs and AIDS. We are concerned that the frivolous manner in which human sexuality is being treated here with GMU approval is counter productive to the best interests of Virginia citizens.”

Cuccinelli maintained the event would disgrace the school, warning that Virginia government might need to “establish some statewide standards” to prevent this and similar events at other public colleges and universities. But the university’s administration emphatically rejected suggestions from Cuccinelli and then state-Delegate Dick Black (R) that they cancel the event. The chief of staff to the president of GMU called Sextravaganza 2005 “as well an organized and delivered student event as we’ve had on campus,” and it was repeated in future years.
Personally, I'm upset that my alma mater never offered fun shit like this when I was in school.  Closest we came was drawing straws to see who would have to step up and request to purchase the behind-the-counter Playboy down at the Walgreen's.

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