Saturday, December 1, 2012

Obama Re-Election Instantly Creates More Than a Thousand Jobs in Kentucky

Wow. Look at that.
Southern Coal Corp. is recalling several hundred laid-off miners in Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia and plans to hire 650 new workers.  Roanoke-based Southern Coal announced Tuesday that it has entered into a multi-year contract to supply coal to American Electric Power.  The contract will allow it to re-start mines idled earlier this year and to save 500 jobs.
It has to be the election, right? I mean, surely all those coal execs claiming that President Obama is responsible for what happens in the coal fields weren't lying, were they?

Nor the ones who claimed the EPA determined the number of coal-plant jobs, they couldn't have been lying, could they?
Hundreds of new jobs, cleaner air and competitive electric rates...that's what LG&E officials say new plant upgrades will bring to Kentuckiana.

The announcement came Thursday at a groundbreaking ceremony at the Mill Creek power plant on lower Dixie Highway.

The new jobs will begin almost immediately.

Over the next three and a half years, the company will spent $940 million upgrading the four coal fire power plants that currently supply electricity to serve nearly a million people who reside in Metro Louisville.  

The expansion will allow the plants to all continue to use coal, while complying with new EPA regulations.


Construction contractors expect to hire about 700 construction workers over the course of the project, who will earn from $22 to $25 an hour.
No, Big Coal and Big Power never lie, especially about jobs in their industries and how President Obama is responsible for them.

Yep, I'd say Big Coal, Big Power, the Commonwealth of Kentucky and all its workers and voters owe a great big debt of gratitude to the president who has created more jobs for them than any other: Barack Hussein Obama.

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