Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"The Greatest Force of Progress and Prosperity"

One of these days, Barack Obama is going to deliver a clunker, and we'll know it's coming because the sun will have risen in the west.

We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.

The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this nation. The answers to our problems don’t lie beyond our reach. They exist in our laboratories and universities; in our fields and our factories; in the imaginations of our entrepreneurs and the pride of the hardest-working people on Earth. Those qualities that have made America the greatest force of progress and prosperity in human history we still possess in ample measure. What is required now is for this country to pull together, confront boldly the challenges we face, and take responsibility for our future once more.

Part One (Parts Two through Six below.)

Full transcript here.

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:

Part Six:

1 comment:

Jack Jodell said...

It was a rousing and intelligent speech, detailed yet easy to follow. This guy is a REAL President. What a relief to see alert intelligence on abundant display after seeing 8 years of a cretin at the podium!