Friday, January 11, 2008

KY Rep. Charlie Hoffman Eats Boogers - Pass It On

And probably lots of other gross stuff that I'd love to specify, but I promised my mama I wouldn't get arrested for anything except civil disobedience.

Yep, you guessed it - the Georgetown, KY Democrat wants to make it a crime - punishable by jail time - to say rude things on the Internet.

Is he trying to bring the world economy to a screeching halt?

As David Adams at the Bluegrass Policy Blog puts it:

Rep. Charle Hoffman Eats Boogers

The headline you just read could get me thrown in jail for up to ninety days if the above-referenced booger-eater from Georgetown has his way.

HB 281 prohibits communication via the internet "which causes annoyance or alarm and serves no purpose of legitimate communication."

And since I'm clearly unrepentent, my soon-to-follow second offense would land me in jail for up to a year.

In 2008, it should go without saying that we err on the side of liberty and thick skin on the internet.

Given that it costs municipalities in Kentucky up to $88.44 a day to put someone in our already-overcrowded jails, maybe we can call this the Thin Skinned Tax-Raising Ninny Act of 2008.

Page One Kentucky jumps on the bandwagon (Click the link to see Page One's hysterical photo of Charlie Hoffman virutally eating virtual boogers):

Charlie Hoffman Really Does Eat Boogers

This man. The one pictured right here. He is a known booger eater. Because of him we’re inciting a riot, encouraging annoyance and alarm. Get to it! Go start fights in Hoffman’s name.

As David Adams reports, Rep. Charlie Hoffman (D-Waste of Time) is pushing worthless legislation that would prohibit online communication that causes “annoyance or alarm” and serves no legitimate purpose.

Like David says, telling the peeps on that scary internets about Charlie Hoffman and his booger eating ways could land a blogger in jail for up to 90 days. A second offense carries up to a year in jail as punishment.

Yeah, that’s the ticket. Let’s stifle free speech because a few booger eaters in Frankfort can’t handle criticism. We’re not suggesting that people go crazy by publishing defaming and false material, but come on. What century is this?

Charlie Hoffman. Time and money waster. Another Democrat deserving of a primary opponent.

The late, great Molly Ivins always said the most effective political attack is ridicule. So, everybody, all together now:

Charlie Hoffman Eats Boogers!

Pass it on.

Cross-posted at BlueGrassRoots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm annoyed AND alarmed-Jail Charlie now!