Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hillary Torpedoes Campaign in Last Debate

Corpus Juris at Watching Those We Chose has the video of a New Hampshire focus group acting as the Greek Chorus predicting Hillary's downfall.

As I said in comments on that post:

I thought Hillary's constant appropriation of Bill's accomplishments as her own was blatant and stupid - which is why I love it.

She is really, really pissed that this campaign is revealing her for the corporate tool she is and always has been - so pissed she can't hide it any more.

If there were just a few more days before New Hampshire, I think she'd implode completely and end up in fourth place behind Richardson.

As it is, I think her extremely bad performance last night is going to lose her lots of votes, possibly dropping her to third.

The only question is whether enough of them will go to Edwards to keep him in the race.


Michael Westmoreland-White, Ph.D. said...

Edward promised yesterday morning to stay in the race all the way to the convention. If he keeps getting delegates, even if he doesn't win, he can force the nominee to a more progressive platform.

Now, at that same NH meeting, he made it clear that he is trying to knock off Hillary first. He called for an "unfiltered debate" (i.e., no one else) between him and Obama, the two calling for change.

Yellow Dog said...

Glad to hear it - especially with the MSM torn between claiming Edwards is finished and ignoring him altogether.

Anonymous said...

Obama or Edwards can win but Hillary can't. She energizes Republicans far too much.