Saturday, July 27, 2019

Why Immigrants From Shithole Countries Make the Best American Citizens

Via Undercover Blue at Hullabaloo, Rep. Ilhan Omar:

I started attending political caucuses with my grandfather, who cherished democracy as only someone who has experienced its absence could.
Go on, just try to read that out loud without choking up.  I dare ya.

1 comment:

solarity said...

"Go on, just try to read that out loud without choking up. I dare ya."

What the hell is the matter with you anyway? Folks fleeing shithole countries will go anywhere just to get away. Why would anyone with a functioning cortex actually believe that such motivation invariably creates "the Best American Citizens."?!?! This is shallow adolescent sophistry based on emotions. Are you a 16 year old girl perchance?

Grow up and wise up before spouting off such inane nonsense.