Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Kentucky Democratic Party Will Take Your Money and Let McConnell Win

The Kentucky "Democratic" Party doesn't want to defeat Mitch McConnell; they just want to use your hatred of him to get money out of you. 

Money that they will use to keep electing the destructive DINOs who Talibanized the Commonwealth and to maintain the conservadem establishment that sabotaged Ashley Judd's nascent campaign.

Roger Alford at AP:

The Kentucky Democratic Party has been using Republican U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell's re-election bid as a catalyst to raise money even before a serious challenger gets into the race.

In a series of emails bashing McConnell last week, Gov. Steve Beshear and other party leaders called for financial donations to end the Republican floor leader's three-decade Senate career.

"For far too long, Kentucky families have suffered under the so-called 'representation' of Mitch McConnell in Washington," Beshear said in an email message. "And we've suffered the consequences - nasty partisan
bickering, divisive political games, and an inability or unwillingness to get things done for the people of this nation and the people of this commonwealth."
State and national parties always - always - waste your money.  Wait until you see a real progressive candidate and give your money directly to that candidate.

And tell the Kentucky "Democratic" Party to fuck off and die. 

Read more here:

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