Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This Explains Everything

Well, it doesn't explain the deference Traitor Joe receives, but nothing does.

From Ken at Down with Tyranny:

Since the Obama administration came into being, it has seemed unthinkable to me that the people in charge went into this monumental undertaking without a plan, as keeps appearing to be the case. So we've had the whole DWT research staff knocking on doors and combing through records in the Village of Washington, and sure enough, it turns out that the Obama strategists came in with a sheafload of plans, which they've been carefully executing. The research is still preliminary, but as of the present state of our knowledge, here are --


10. Once the country sees how we're reaching out to the Republicans, they'll have to cooperate or they'll look like partisan bullies -- or, worse, mindless obstructionists.

9. We'll get those dirty fucking commies, and fags, and commie fags throwing such hissy fits attacking us, all the real Americans in the middle will love us.

8. We shovel a shitload of cash to our friends on Wall Street, and they'll be so grateful, they'll spread a few bucks around and jump-start the economy.

7. We'll just cut all the fat out of the budget, and we can fund all the new programs we want.

6. Or if we don't want new programs, we can just pocket the dough.

5. We make a big deal out of our so-called health care reform plan, but make sure Pharma and the insurance companies know we're only kidding.

4. After eight years of Bush and Cheney, they'll be so happy, it'll be easy to get them all behind us, especially once we dismantle all Democratic Party machinery except our own.

3. So I can make them stop calling me a plagiarist?

2. If anything goes wrong, we've always got those imperial powers of the presidency the Bush people assembled for us.

1. A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.

Read the whole thing, and see if you can match the Plan to the Strategist.

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