Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shill for Your Superstition on Your Own Fucking Dime

Jake is adult enough to not take this personally, but I'm not.

I take it god-damn personally when a state fucking employee being paid with my tax dollars uses a state fucking computer also paid for with my tax dollars to shill for her personal hallucination in an official state fucking government press release.

I am sick and fucking tired of the freakazoids turning this state - my state - into a branch of the We're-Stupid-Because-That's-How-the-Voices-in-Our-Heads-Like-It society.

Shame on A--------t, whoever you are. Shame on the Justice Cabinet. Shame on everyone who has ever received one of your idiotic emails and failed to notice the Humongous Violation of the Establishment Clause right there in bright red italic 12-point Arial - with an exclamation point! - or else noticed and failed to make you stop.

Hey, ACLU of Kentucky! Yooooo-hooooo! Over here! How about putting my membership dues to work for a fucking change and filing a lawsuit?

See a slightly less foaming-at-the-mouth version of this post at They Gave Us A Republic ....


mud_rake said...

How about those, "Have a blessed day" remarks at the checkout lines?

Who is in charge of 'blessing' my day, anyway?

wtf said...

Shame on them for using that font as well. What is that, "Papyrus?" Why does every jackass who figures out how to change up fonts on email always choose Papyrus? Who do they think they are? Aristotle? Moses? For fuck's sake...