Monday, December 24, 2007

Kentucky Dems to Schumer: Drop Dead


As Chuck Schumer works frantically at the DSCC to promote a notorious DINO to run for Mitch McConnell's Senate seat, Kentucky progressives and its liberal blogosphere are fighting back.

Rumors are rampant here that Schumer is begging Criminal and Democratic Traitor Bruce Lunsford to challenge Mitch's re-election.

In a rational world, the person in charge of electing Democrats to the U.S. Senate would be pushing republican-in-disguise Lunsford to run either in the republican primary to wound Mitch and drain his war chest, or as an independent in the general election, to split republicans and guarantee a Democratic victory.

In a rational world, the person in charge of electing Democrats to the U.S. Senate would never dream of undermining the candidacy of a near-perfect Democratic candidate like Andrew Horne.

But Chuck Schumer lives in the DLC's Beltway World, where they think DINOs like Harold Ford actually win Senate seats against real republicans.

In 2004, Kentucky progressives, reeling from the republican takeover of the governorship, let the DLC talk us into electing DINO extraordinaire Ben Chandler to Congress. Chandler has thanked us by voting with Smirky and Darth to impoverish working families, legalize torture, promote permanent war, undermine the rule of law and destroy the Constitution.

Never again. No more DINOs.

Media Czech of BlueGrassRoots launched the first missile last week with this video of Lunsford yukking it up with his dear, dear buddy Mitch McConnell. (The other chucklehead is disgraced former republican governor Ernie Fletcher.)

Emails cited two Bluegrass Report posts from back in the spring, when Lunsford was running in the Democratic primary for governor (which he lost by 20 points):

"Top Ten Reasons to Vote Against Bruce Lunsford."

"More on Lunsford's Love of the Republican Party."

But there's more! If you've finished throwing up at the idea of this millionaire scumbag representing the Demcoratic Party at so much as a backyard picnic, try these:

Media Czech details Lunsford's 14-year record of large donations to republicans, including $7,500 to - wait for it - the National Republican Senate Committee in 1997. "Bruce Lunsford? Surely You're Joking."

And CFK activist Mike Bailey makes an impassioned plea for not letting Schumer's blackmail and Lunsford's money sway real Kentucky Democrats.

UPDATE, 9 a.m.: Page One Kentucky says Lunsford is definitely moving toward declaring his candidacy for the Democratic primary for Mitch's Senate seat.

Page One says Lunsford is making a mistake, even after disclosing that its editors once worked for Lunsford and consider him a friend. Page One has, in fact, often defended Lunsford against critics like yours truly. For Page One to tell Lunsford to stay out of this race is a huge indicator of just how united Kentucky Democrats are in support of Andrew Horne.

Post has been edited.

Cross-posted at Watching Those We Chose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tks for the shout out, Dog.

Mike Bailey